Monday, August 17, 2020

His Love Stands Alone

Yesterday I was listening to Bear's surprise there, they've been getting a lot of airplay and have slowly become my favourite band other than Mumford and Sons. It was a slow love with these guys, I didn't even remotely like them till the third try, so the fact that they've raised to equal level with Mumford is a pretty big deal.  

So, moving on, I'm doing some cleaning in the kitchen yesterday and the song Love Can't Stand Alone comes on...which within the context of the song and whatever the writer is going through is probably true but I always like to listen through a God lens so the statement through that lens makes no sense. Anyhow, I'm listening and working and this lyric jumps out at me: 

I'll never leave you out in the cold....

and then clear as day I heard God speak to me in my spirit, here's what He said....

My child, I will never leave you or forsake you, 
there's no place you can go that My Love can't reach, 
I will never, EVER abandon you my beloved. 
MY LOVE and it alone will stand and endure forever. 

Wow! A message I can cling to,  and a message for you as well. 



  I’ve been going through some faith changes of late. Perhaps some people will be disheartened about them and worry about the path I’m on bu...