This is one of my favourite lyrics of all time:
You can understand dependence when you know the Maker's Hand
....dependence? No one really speaks about dependence. It's pretty much a dirty word now isn't it? But when you come to a place of understanding God, of realizing your need for Him to walk alongside you, not in a demanding, domineering way but gently guiding you along like a loving Father and begin to understand His love and His gentleness you come to a place where doing life on your own is so unappealing.
Being dependent is frowned upon in todays society, but the thing is aren't we all dependent to a degree? Dependent on our success in our career, being the perfect Pinterest mother, dependent on coffee to get us through the day and dependent on wine to end a tough day. We all have things or people we are dependent on. I'll gladly depend on the One who established the world by His Wisdom, ( Jeremiah 51:15). The One who delights in me, (Psalm 18:19). Who rejoices over me with singing, (Zephaniah 3:17).
Ever loving, ever kind, my Jesus.
Monday, August 24, 2020
The Maker's Hand
Monday, August 17, 2020
His Love Stands Alone
Yesterday I was listening to Bear's surprise there, they've been getting a lot of airplay and have slowly become my favourite band other than Mumford and Sons. It was a slow love with these guys, I didn't even remotely like them till the third try, so the fact that they've raised to equal level with Mumford is a pretty big deal.
So, moving on, I'm doing some cleaning in the kitchen yesterday and the song Love Can't Stand Alone comes on...which within the context of the song and whatever the writer is going through is probably true but I always like to listen through a God lens so the statement through that lens makes no sense. Anyhow, I'm listening and working and this lyric jumps out at me:
I'll never leave you out in the cold....
and then clear as day I heard God speak to me in my spirit, here's what He said....
My child, I will never leave you or forsake you,
there's no place you can go that My Love can't reach,
I will never, EVER abandon you my beloved.
MY LOVE and it alone will stand and endure forever.
Wow! A message I can cling to, and a message for you as well.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Overturning Tables
I love art. I love creating. It's something I'm passionate about. Passion. It's kind of a big deal to me. Passion and authenticity. These are themes of my life lately. I'm known for my passions. Some call it obsessions, but I'll go with passion, it sounds nicer. Like I said, I'm passionate about art. It's my belief that God is the greatest Artist there is and that He puts creativity in everyone of us. No distinction. We are all made in His image and because He IS the Creator, He puts that within each of us. I heard recently that God will meet us where we are at. That He will speak to us in the things that matter to us. One of my favourite expressions of art is music. I can't play an instrument. I 'think' I can hold a note....I know nothing about the knowledge end of things but I sure can take the message of a song and apply it to my life or find God within the notes and within a good melody.
I was talking to some friends recently and how we, as a christian society have put labels on things. Christian movies, books, music...and how we've boxed ourselves in. The thing is though, God CAN'T be boxed in. If you find yourself in this place that's fine, I just think you are missing out on a LOT of good artistic talent God has put into His people. With these labels have we made a market place for God? Another question that came up in discussion: If Jesus came along and saw us selling these things in His name would He smile and walk by? Or would He overturn the tables? Just some food for thought.
In this blog, I'll show some of the journey God's been taking me on and how He speaks to me and shows His love to me through song...any song. More often than not, this is not under that 'christian' label I mentioned before. I hope you'll keep an open mind and join me on my journey.
I’ve been going through some faith changes of late. Perhaps some people will be disheartened about them and worry about the path I’m on bu...

I love art. I love creating. It's something I'm passionate about. Passion. It's kind of a big deal to me. Passion and authentic...
Yesterday I was listening to Bear's surprise there, they've been getting a lot of airplay and have slowly become my favouri...
I’ve been going through some faith changes of late. Perhaps some people will be disheartened about them and worry about the path I’m on bu...